Module Symbols (.ml)

module Symbols: sig .. end

type operator = 
| Plus
| Minus
| Mult
| Div
| Modulo
type name_kind = 
| Ac
| Constructor
| Other
type t = 
| True
| False
| Name of Hstring.t * name_kind
| Int of Hstring.t
| Real of Hstring.t
| Op of operator
| Var of Hstring.t
val name : ?kind:name_kind -> Hstring.t -> t
val var : string -> t
val int : string -> t
val real : string -> t
val is_ac : t -> bool
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Map: Map.S  with type key = t
module Set: Set.S  with type elt = t