(* Chandra-Toueg fault tolerence protocol                                *)
(*                                                                       *)
(* Tushar Deepak Chandra and Sam Toueg. 1991. Time and message efficient *)
(* reliable broadcasts. In Proceedings of the 4th international workshop *)
(* on Distributed algorithms, J. van Leeuwen and N. Santoro              *)
(* (Eds.). Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York, NY, USA, 289-303.   *)
(*                                                                       *)
(* Translated from MCMT version of                                       *)
(*                                                                       *)
(* Francesco Alberti, Silvio Ghilardi, Elena Pagani, Silvio Ranise, Gian *)
(* Paolo Rossi: Automated Support for the Design and Validation of Fault *)
(* Tolerant Parameterized Systems: a case study. ECEASST 35 (2010)       *)

type round = R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7

type prep = M2 | M1 | MValid

(* Round of the execution *)
var Round : round
(* estimate of the processes (true = m; false = undefined) *)
array Estimate[proc] : bool
(* state of the processes (true = decided; false = undecided) *)
array State[proc] : bool
(* who's the coordinator *)
array Coord[proc] : bool
(* who has already been coordinator *)
array ACoord [proc] : bool
(* processes that has done the operations of the round *)
array Done[proc] : bool
(* someone sent a request? *)
var Request : bool
(* decision value of the processes (as estimate)*)
array DecisionValue[proc] : bool
(* the process is faulty (as defined in send omission failure model) *)
array Faulty[proc] : bool
(* the process has received the estimate from the coordinator *)
array Received[proc] : bool
(* if nack[x] = true, process x received a negative ack *)
array Nack[proc] : bool
(* id of the coordinator who sent me an estimate *)
array Id[proc] : proc
array Id_valid[proc] : prep
(* id of the coordinator who sent the estimate saved in tmpEstimate *)
var MaxId : proc
var MaxId_valid : prep
(* temp. var used to send the estimate to the coordinator *)
var TmpEstimate : bool
(* used for the Lemma 2.2 of the paper *)
array ProcessReceivedEstimate[proc] : bool

(* initial configuration *)
init (x) {
  Round = R1 && State[x] = False && Coord[x] = False && 
  ACoord[x] = False && Done[x] = False && Received[x] = False &&
  Nack[x] = False &&
  (* Id[x] = -1 && MaxId = -2 &&  *)
  Id_valid[x] = M1 && MaxId_valid = M2 &&
  ProcessReceivedEstimate[x] = False

(*---------------- suggested invariants from mcmt --------------------*)

(* Exists only one Coordinator in the system *)
unsafe (x y) {
  Coord[x] = True && Coord[y] = True

(* If 'c' is Coordinator, all other process with Id < c have
   already been Coordinator *)
unsafe (x y) {
  Coord[x] = True && ACoord[y] = False && y < x

(* A Coordinator can't have Id[] greater than his Identificator *)
unsafe(x) {
  Coord[x] = True && Id_valid[x] = MValid && x < Id[x]

(* A process can't have Id[] greater than Coordinator's Identificator *)
unsafe (x y) {
  Coord[x] = True && Id_valid[y] = MValid && x < Id[y]

(* In the first Round a process can't have Id[] equals to the
   Coordinator's Identificator *)
unsafe (x y) {
  Round = R1 && Coord[x] = True && Id_valid[y] = MValid && Id[y] = x

(* A correct process can't receive any Nack *)
unsafe (x) {
  Faulty[x] = False && Nack[x] = True

(* Coordinators are elected in order by Identificator *)
unsafe (x y) {
  Coord[x] = True && ACoord[y] = True && x < y


(* LEMMA 2.1 *)
unsafe (x y z) {
  State[x] = True && Received[x] = True && Coord[y] = True &&
  State[z] = False && Faulty[z]= False && Estimate[y] <> Estimate[z]

(* LEMMA 2.2 *)
unsafe (x y) {
  Round <> R1 && State[x] = False && Faulty[x] = False &&
  ProcessReceivedEstimate[x] = True && Coord[y] = True &&
  Estimate[x] <> Estimate[y]

(* LEMMA 2.3 *)
unsafe (x y) {
  Coord[x] = True && Faulty[x] = False && Round = R6 &&
  State[y] = False && Faulty[y] = False

(* AGREEMENT - complete *)
unsafe (x y) {
  State[x] = True && Faulty[x] = False && 
  State[y] = True && Faulty[y] = False && 
  DecisionValue[x] <> DecisionValue[y]

(* 1) DecIded processes send Request to Coordinator if
      their Id are greather than MaxId *)
transition t1_v (x y)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[y] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = MValid && MaxId_valid = MValid && MaxId < Id[x] }
    Done[x] := True;
    MaxId := Id[x];
    TmpEstimate := Estimate[x];

transition t1_nv (x y)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[y] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = M1 && MaxId_valid = M2 }
    Done[x] := True;
    MaxId := Id[x];
    MaxId_valid := Id_valid[x];
    TmpEstimate := Estimate[x];

transition t1_nv2 (x y)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[y] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = MValid && MaxId_valid = M2 }
    Done[x] := True;
    MaxId := Id[x];
    MaxId_valid := Id_valid[x];
    TmpEstimate := Estimate[x];

transition t1_nv3 (x y)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[y] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = MValid && MaxId_valid = M1 }
    Done[x] := True;
    MaxId := Id[x];
    MaxId_valid := Id_valid[x];
    TmpEstimate := Estimate[x];

(* 2) UndecIded processes want to send a Request, but their Id
      is less or equal than MaxId *)
transition t2_v (x y)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[y] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = MValid && MaxId_valid = MValid && Id[x] <= MaxId }
    Done[x] := True;

transition t2_nv (x y)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[y] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = M1 && MaxId_valid = MValid }
    Done[x] := True;

transition t2_nv2 (x y)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[y] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = M1 && MaxId_valid = M1 }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 3) An undecIded Faulty process fails sending a Request *)
transition t3 (x y)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[y] = True && Faulty[x] = True }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 4) An undecIded Coordinator (with Id > MaxId) sends
      a Request (to himself) *)
transition t4 (x)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[x] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = MValid && MaxId_valid = MValid &&  MaxId < Id[x] }
    Done[x] := True;
    MaxId := Id[x];
    TmpEstimate := Estimate[x];

transition t4_nv (x)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[x] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = M1 && MaxId_valid = M2 }
    Done[x] := True;
    MaxId := Id[x];
    MaxId_valid := Id_valid[x];
    TmpEstimate := Estimate[x];

transition t4_nv2 (x)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[x] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = MValid && MaxId_valid = M2 }
    Done[x] := True;
    MaxId := Id[x];
    MaxId_valid := Id_valid[x];
    TmpEstimate := Estimate[x];

transition t4_nv3 (x)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False && 
           Coord[x] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = MValid && MaxId_valid = M1 }
    Done[x] := True;
    MaxId := Id[x];
    MaxId_valid := Id_valid[x];
    TmpEstimate := Estimate[x];

(* 5) An undecIded Coordinator (with Id <= MaxId) doesn't
      send a Request to himself *)
transition t5 (x)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False &&
           Coord[x] = True && 
           Id_valid[x] = MValid && MaxId_valid = MValid && Id[x] <= MaxId }
    Done[x] := True;

transition t5_nv (x)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False &&
           Coord[x] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = M1 && MaxId_valid = MValid }
    Done[x] := True;

transition t5_nv2 (x)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False &&
           Coord[x] = True &&
           Id_valid[x] = M1 && MaxId_valid = M1 }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 6) DecIded processes do nothing *)
transition t6 (x)
requires { Round = R1 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = True }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 7) If all processes have completed the 1st Round and the Coordinator
      Received a Request (i.e. MaxId > -2), the Coordinator set his Estimate
      to TmpEstimate value and all the processes go to 2nd Round *)
transition t7 (x)
requires { Round = R1 && MaxId_valid <> M2 &&
           Done[x] = True && Coord[x] = True &&
           forall_other j. Done[j] = True }
    Round := R2;
    Done[j] := case | _ : False;
    Estimate[x] := TmpEstimate;

(* 8) ... otherwise (no Request have been Received by the Coordinator)
      the Coordinator is dismissed. *)
transition t8 (x)
requires { Round = R1 && MaxId_valid = M2 &&
           Done[x] = True && Coord[x] = True &&
           forall_other j. Done[j] = True }
    Coord[x] := False;
    ACoord[x] := True;

(* 9) An undecIded process receives the Estimate from the Coordinator. *)
transition t9 (x y)
requires { Round = R2 && Done[x] = False &&
           State[x] = False && Coord[y] = True }
    Estimate[x] := Estimate[y];
    Done[x] := True;
    Received[x] := True;
    Id[x] := y;
    Id_valid[x] := MValid;
    ProcessReceivedEstimate[x] := True;

(* 10) A Faulty Coordinator fails sending an Estimate *)
transition t10 (x y)
requires { Round = R2 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False &&
           Coord[y] = True && Faulty[y] = True }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 11) If the Coordinator is undecIded sends an Estimate to himself *)
transition t11 (x)
requires { Round = R2 && Done[x] = False && 
           State[x] = False && Coord[x] = True }
    Done[x] := True;
    Received[x] := True;
    Id[x] := x;
    Id_valid[x] := MValid;
    ProcessReceivedEstimate[x] := True;

(* 12) DecIded processes do nothing *)
transition t12 (x)
requires { Round = R2 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = True }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 13) Round 2 completed. System goes to Round 3. *)
transition t13 (x)
requires { Round = R2 && Done[x] = True && Coord[x] = True &&
           forall_other j. Done[j] = True }
    Round := R3;
    Done[j] := case | _ : False;

(* 14) If an undecIded process dIdn't Received the Estimate sends a Nack to Coord *)
transition t14 (x y)
requires { Round = R3 && State[x] = False && Done[x] = False &&
           Received[x] = False && Coord[y] = True }
    Done[x] := True;
    Nack[y] := True;

(* 15) An undecIded Faulty process that dIdn't Received the Estimate
       fails sending the Nack to the Coordinator *)
transition t15 (x y)
requires { Round = R3 && State[x] = False && Done[x] = False &&
           Received[x] = False && Coord[y] = True && Faulty[x] = True }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 16) Af an undecIded process has Received the Estimate does nothing *)
transition t16 (x y)
requires { Round = R3 && State[x] = False && Done[x] = False &&
           Received[x] = True && Coord[y] = True }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 17) the Coordinator does nothing in this Round *)
transition t17 (x)
requires { Round = R3 && Done[x] = False && Coord[x] = True }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 18) decIded processes do nothing in this Round *)
transition t18 (x y)
requires { Round = R3 && State[x] = True &&
           Done[x] = False && Coord[y] = True }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 19) When all the processes have Done, system goes to the 4th Round. *)
transition t19 (x)
requires { Round = R3 && Done[x] = True && Coord[x] = True &&
           forall_other j. Done[j] = True }
    Round := R4;

(* 20) If no Nacks have been Received, system goes to the 5th Round (if the Coordinator
       Received one (or more) Nack, he is killed by the system) *)
transition t20 (x)
requires { Round = R4 && Coord[x] = False &&
           forall_other j. Nack[j] = False }
    Round := R5;
    Done[j] := case | _ : False;

(* 21) Coordinator sends a decIde to an undecIded process *)
transition t21 (x y)
requires { Round = R5 && Done[x] = False &&
           State[x] = False && Coord[y] = True }
    State[x] := True;
    Done[x] := True;
    DecisionValue[x] := Estimate[x];

(* 22) A Faulty Coordinator fails sending the message *)
transition t22 (x y)
requires { Round = R5 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = False &&
           Coord[y] = True && Faulty[y] = True }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 23) A Faulty Coordinator sends a decIde to himself *)
transition t23 (x)
requires { Round = R5 && Done[x] = False &&
           State[x] = False && Coord[x] = True }
    State[x] := True;
    Done[x] := True;
    DecisionValue[x] := Estimate[x];

(* 24) Coordinator sends a decIde to decIded processes
       (but they ignore this message) *)
transition t24 (x)
requires { Round = R5 && Done[x] = False && State[x] = True }
    Done[x] := True;

(* 25) Round n. 5 completed. System goes to Round 6. *)
transition t25 (x)
requires { Round = R5 && Done[x] = True && Coord[x] = True &&
           forall_other j. Done[j] = True }
    Round := R6;
    Done[j] := case | _ : False;

(* 26) Coordinator in office is dismissed. *)
transition t26 (x)
requires { Round = R6 && Coord[x] = True }
    Round := R7;
    Coord[x] := False;
    ACoord[x] := True;

(* 27) There's no Coordinator! (maybe the Coordinator crashed) *)
transition t27 (x)
requires { Coord[x] = False && forall_other y. Coord[y] = False }
    Round := R7;

(* 28) In this Round a new process is elected as Coordinator of the system.
       Then the system goes to 1st Round. *)
transition t28 (x)
requires { Coord[x] = False && ACoord[x] = False && Round = R7 &&
           forall_other y. (x <= y || y < x && ACoord[y] = True) }
    Round := R1;
    Coord[x] := True;
    Received[j] := case | _ : False;
    Done[j] := case | _ : False;
    Nack[j] := case | _ : False;
    MaxId_valid := M2;